Mies (FRIDA)

Filmed: 1-3 October 1982

Location: Singer concertzaal (Singer Theater), Oude Drift 1, Laren, Netherlands

Broadcast: Saturday 2 October 1982, LIVE, 20:28-21:30, AVRO, Netherlands

Release status: Unreleased

Duration: Just under 9 minutes

Shown in: The Netherlands

Additional information

Mies was the First Lady of Dutch TV Mies Bouwman’s own successful, 1-hour long live talk show. It was broadcast LIVE weekly on AVRO from 6 October 1981 to 25 December 1982.

Frida appeared on this show and was shown arriving with another guest on the show - Cliff Richard.  She was then briefly interviewed by Mies followed by a performance of To Turn The Stone in front of a very lively audience. Frida starts off the performance singing live over the backing track (single version, shorter than the version on Something's Going On ) but then carries on lip-synching when she realises her microphone is on.

The audience were all given a booklet when entering the studio which included a small biography of Frida.

Cliff was also interviewed by Mies and performed Where Do We Go From Here.

Click here for a TV listing from Leidsch Dagblad - 2 October 1982, p.4.

Mies Bouwman died 26 February 2018.

Thanks to Jos Heselmans, Henk Jansen, Dustin, Walter Veldman, Jozsef and Mike Aarts. 



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