Under Attack PROMO

Filmed: Tuesday 16 November 1982

Location: Hammarbyhamnen, Stockholm, Sweden

Release status: Released on The Definitive Collection

Shown in: Worldwide

Additional information

Directed by the same guys who directed The Day Before You Came PROMO - Kjell-Åke Andersson and Kjell Sundvall - this PROMO was filmed in a gloomy, badly-lit warehouse in the industrial area of Hammarbyhamnen in southern Stockholm.  This PROMO was apparently filmed on videotape, not film.

It's all terribly exciting - Frida runs down one staircase, Agnetha hides behind some pallets and Benny and Björn run down two staircases, all lit up by a flashing red light.

This was their last PROMO video as an active group - the "end of ABBA" was symbolised by the four of them walking away together at the end into a ghostly daylight.  At that moment, I kind of knew they wouldn't ever be coming back.

Benny rushing to catch up with the rest of them as they head for the exit at the end.

Lyrics available on the Official ABBA site

Thanks to Raffem.com for info on the filming location. Thanks to Kari Paananen, Edward Russell and Alex Jones.
YouTube link c/o AbbaVEVO

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