Filmed: Tuesday 25 November 1980
Location: Polar Music Office, Stockholm, Sweden
Broadcast: Sunday 21 December 1980, 18:30-19:25, ORF2, Austria
Release status: Unreleased
Duration: 19:40 ABBA bits
Shown in: Austria
Okay was a music and cultural youth programme on ORF2 which ran from 4 November 1979 to 4 October 1987, in an hour-long programme on Sunday evenings at 18:30. (In the 1980s it ran every two weeks).
None of ABBA looked very happy in this TV interview. Frida especially came across as very sad (although she laughed once during the interview and her face lit up) and Benny's body language was very defensive with his arms folded across.
The interviewer was Helmut Frodl.
A very brief interview with Stig in the Polar Music Studio is also featured.
The interview is intermingled with clips:
This must have been a press day of some sort because there is a photograph of them also meeting Rupert van Woerkom in a different interview to the TV one with Helmut Frodl because they are sitting in a different order (Agnetha and Frida are sitting together whereas Agnetha and Björn are sitting together for the TV interview).
Agnetha would wear her stripey outfit again for the Conociendome, Conociendote PROMO later in the year.
Click here for a TV listing from Arbeiter-zeitung - 20 December 1980, p.28.
Thanks to Philip Muytjens, Michael Scheiber, Jozsef, Birte Ehlers and Jun Seo.