Filmed: May 2023
Location: Riksmixningsverket (RMV Studio), Stockholm, Sweden
Broadcast: 25 May 2023, BBC2, UK
Release status: Unreleased
Shown in: UK
Newsnight’s Victoria Derbyshire spoke to Benny & Björn in a joint exclusive interview to mark the one year anniversary of London’s ABBA Voyage show and they talked about AI where they say people should be able to distinguish between tracks composed by songwriters, musicians, artists, and bands, and those which have been created by artificial intelligence technology.
Björn believes AI could have more of an impact on our lives than the internet.
The original shorter item (c. 12 mins) was shown on BBC2's Newsnight programme and a longer, extended interview was made available online afterwards.
It also appears to have been renamed The Arts Interviews: Abba - Björn And Benny and broadcast on BBC World News on 10 Jun 2023 at 18:30.
YouTube link c/o ABBA FOR EVERYONE XXI and BBC News